Indian Missionary Society North Region

Gasper Arsenius Pinto (Founder)
Indian Missionary Society (IMS) North Region is a registered body for the cause of social, economic, and educational development. The founding members were Fr. Prabhu Prasad IMS, Fr. Crusbhakt IMS, Fr. Chandan IMS, Fr. Dayasheel IMS, Fr. Gyan Prakash IMS and Fr. Pushplal IMS. They were working in the less developed areas of Haryana, Western U.P., Delhi, and Jammu & Kashmir.
Moved by the social, educational, and economic conditions of the families in these areas, the founding members thought of establishing a society with the intention of helping the poor with a clear vision and mission. Accordingly, the founding members registered the society – Indian Missionary Society North Region on 22.08.1986 vide registration number ROS-622, under Societies Registration Act as applicable in the state of Haryana.
The founding members of the IMS North Region realized that the root cause of poverty, malnutrition, inequality, discrimination, unemployment, high mortality rate of women and children were due to lack of education, medical care and nutrition. The shortage of sufficient schools in these areas, a good number of girl children were deprived of basic education. Due to the abject poverty many children dropped out of the schools and went for work in order to earn their daily bread. The society started social centres for non-formal education, self-awareness programmes on health & hygiene, skill development and empowerment.
Convinced of the importance of education they motivated the people to get educated. Knowing that education with proper motivation would help building up the family, society and the whole nation itself, the IMS North Region started schools and hostels in the remote areas in the region.